Monday, June 6, 2011

Our Cruise - Day 10 - At Sea

Terry went to the spa and had one of the best massages ever, and the facial topped it off very nicely. His harem admired his smooth, younger-looking skin for days (well, maybe just hours). He was refreshed and ready to compete: The Blackjack tournament was at hand.

Julie and Sheila joined him and they all made it past the first round. They were in the finals! They played fiercely and competitively, throwing everything in their arsenals to win the big bucks. Their usual hoots and high-fives filled the casino (led by their head cheerleader, Sheila), but Terry and Julie’s fortunes started dwindling. They were falling farther back in the pack as Lady Luck turned her back on them – they should have paid homage to the goddess Fortuna while in Rome (or the equivalent goddess Tyche in Greece)! Sheila, on the other hand, was hanging in there.

Soon, the final hand was up, and Sheila bet very smartly and snagged second place—again! Julie and Terry got a couple of lousy drink coupons and that was it. Still, Terry’s face could not break into a frown, as the lingering effects of his facial and massage were still upon him.

It was back to our balconies for hors d'oeuvres and drinks, when a yellow plane started buzzing the ship. First F-16s five days earlier, and now this (although it looked like a WWI vintage prop plane)! After a few circles around the ship it disappeared into the distance.

It was formal night for dining, so we all had to get dressed up. Julie was feeling well enough for dinner, so we all went. We were on our best behavior and yielded the better seats to the Tones. We enjoyed dinner, and then Julie decided to forgo the festivities of the desert presentation (where the staff would put on a show), so Terry took her back to the room where they fell fast asleep. Our last big day was coming up.

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