Monday, May 23, 2011

Our Cruise – Day 2 – At Sea

We had a relaxing day at sea on our way to Greece. We enjoyed our balconies, spa treatments, lounging, napping, socializing and eating – lots of eating. At approximately 10 AM we entered the fabled Strait of Messina.

Today, the strait is famous as the narrow passage in the Mediterranean Sea separating Italy and Sicily. Its narrowest width is only two miles. On a map (posted here), this is where the “boot” of southern Italy seems to be kicking the “ball” of Sicily (nothing personal, of course). A photo of the tip of the boot is also posted here, although from a sea-level view.

In ancient times, the Strait of Messina was terrifying as the hangout of two mythological and terrifying creatures: Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla was a monster with six long heads, twelve feet, rows of teeth and with and the heads of baying dogs adorning her loins. Who could resist a woman like that beckoning you to her cave? She was always prepared for a six-course dinner of humans, simultaneously. Charybdis was a whirlpool, sucking ships and their human cargo down to the watery depths.

Celebrity Cruises brought experts in history, art and archaeology on the cruise to give lectures about the different ports we would be visiting. This afternoon we listened the topic, "Elevation to Virtue – Greek Architecture." The speaker was from Smithsonian Journeys. We learned a lot and it whetted our appetites for Athens, since her lecture was about the Acropolis.

Today, Sheila vowed to talk to a man a day; she’s on the hunt. After dinner, Sheila and Julie made headway for the casino – and closed it down.

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